Beautiful Places in Qatar
Independence from the United Kingdom 3 September 1971. Qatar used to be known for its pearl diving prior to the discovery of Natural Gas, which has completely transformed the country into one of, if not, the wealthiest country in the world.
प्राकृतिक गैस की खोज और मोती डाइविंग के लिए जाना जाता था, जिसने पूरी तरह से इस देश को सबसे अमीर देश में परिवर्तित कर दिया है।
Qatar has a wealth of beauty and culture to offer people visiting from all over the world.
कतर के पास दुनिया भर से आने वाले लोगों की पेशकश करने के लिए सौंदर्य और संस्कृति का भरपूर भंडार है।
1. Aladdin's Kingdom--
Aladdin's Kingdom" was the first - and some would say BEST - outdoor amusement park in Doha. It featured over 20 attractions including roller-coasters, bumper cars, ferris wheels, carousels and go-karts - and was supposedly the FIRST outdoor amusement park in the Gulf region!
अलादीन किंगडम "पहला व बेस्ट - आउटडोर मनोरंजन पार्क माना जाता है। इसमें रोलर-कोस्टर, बम्पर कार, फेरिस व्हील, और गो-कार्ट्स सहित अन्य अधिक आकर्षण शामिल हैं!
2. Katara Mosque--
The Katara Mosque is situated in the center of the Katara Cultural Village site, where some of the most beautiful architecture in the Middle East is just waiting to be seen. The design of the Katara Mosque is unlike typical mosques in Qatar. The building is a mosaic of predominantly blue tiles, with hints of red and yellow. You will be blown away by the intricate designs and kissing the equally complex interior. Accompanying the mosque are three spiked pillars reaching for the sky. The contrast between these overwhelming structures and the beauty of the mosaic walls is truly striking .
The Katara Mosque is situated in the center of the Katara Cultural Village site, where some of the most beautiful architecture in the Middle East is just waiting to be seen. The design of the Katara Mosque is unlike typical mosques in Qatar. The building is a mosaic of predominantly blue tiles, with hints of red and yellow. You will be blown away by the intricate designs and kissing the equally complex interior. Accompanying the mosque are three spiked pillars reaching for the sky. The contrast between these overwhelming structures and the beauty of the mosaic walls is truly striking .
कटारा मस्जिद कटारा सांस्कृतिक गांव स्थल के केंद्र में स्थित है, जहां कुछ सबसे खूबसूरत वास्तुकला देखी जाती है। कटारा मस्जिद का डिजाइन कतर में विशिष्ट मस्जिदों के विपरीत है। इमारत लाल और पीले रंग के संकेतों के साथ मुख्य रूप से नीली टाइल्स का मोज़ेक है। मोज़ेक दीवारों की सुंदरता के बीच का अंतर वास्तव में देखने लायक है।
3. Grand Mosque--
“Grand” is an apt description of this mosque. The exterior is pleasantly intimidating, with the appearance of an impenetrable fortress, while the interior is awe-inspiring. The domed ceiling is high above your head, with stone white pillars throughout and simple chandeliers dangling above you. The space itself is impressively large, and you will be rendered speechless by the architecture. At night, the mosque’s exterior is particularly beautiful, as it is lit up with purple lights.
“Grand” is an apt description of this mosque. The exterior is pleasantly intimidating, with the appearance of an impenetrable fortress, while the interior is awe-inspiring. The domed ceiling is high above your head, with stone white pillars throughout and simple chandeliers dangling above you. The space itself is impressively large, and you will be rendered speechless by the architecture. At night, the mosque’s exterior is particularly beautiful, as it is lit up with purple lights.
ग्रैंड "इस मस्जिद का एक उपयुक्त विवरण है। बाहरी एक सुखद अभिशाप किले की उपस्थिति के साथ bahut hi भयभीत है, जबकि इंटीरियर बहुत खूबसूरत सजा हुआ है।डोम के आकार की छत आपके सिर के ऊपर नजर आएगी , पत्थर के सफेद खंभे चारो और दिखाई देंगे , और आपको वास्तुकला द्वारा प्रसन्न कर दिया जाएगा। रात में, मस्जिद का बाहरी विशेष रूप से सुंदर होता है, क्योंकि यह बैंगनी रोशनी से जलाया जाता है।
The Doha Desert --
The Doha desert lies mostly untouched, and should be a part of your visit to Qatar. Very little is as stunning as miles and miles of pristine, smooth sand. The beauty of the desert views will leave you feeling small and in awe of the vastness of this unfamiliar landscape. The sand is flawless, the dunes are rolling, and this gorgeous desert landscape can be enjoyed on any desert safari day. Rev your engines and stir up the dust to experience the allure of the desert firsthand.
The Doha desert lies mostly untouched, and should be a part of your visit to Qatar. Very little is as stunning as miles and miles of pristine, smooth sand. The beauty of the desert views will leave you feeling small and in awe of the vastness of this unfamiliar landscape. The sand is flawless, the dunes are rolling, and this gorgeous desert landscape can be enjoyed on any desert safari day. Rev your engines and stir up the dust to experience the allure of the desert firsthand.
दोहा रेगिस्तान ज्यादातर छूटे हुए हैं, और कतर की आपकी यात्रा का हिस्सा होना चाहिए। बहुत प्राचीन स्मारक, चिकनी रेत के मील आश्चर्यजनक है। रेगिस्तान के दृश्यों की सुंदरता आपको इस अपरिचित परिदृश्य की विशालता के बारे में छोटी और भयभीत महसूस करेगी। रेत निर्दोष है, टिब्बा रोलिंग कर रहे हैं, और इस भव्य रेगिस्तान परिदृश्य का आनंद किसी भी रेगिस्तान सफारी दिन पर किया जा सकता है। अपने इंजनों को रेव करें और रेगिस्तान के आकर्षण को पहले से अनुभव करने के लिए धूल को हलचल करें।
Museum of Islamic Art--
The Museum of Islamic Art is located in the heart of a body of still, clear water. As you approach you will cross a bridge across the water and feel yourself being drawn in by the striking appearance of the museum. The white building has sharp, boxed edges, and stands alone on the water. In the sunlight, the museum seems to glow with brightness and its compelling ambiance is enhanced. When you step inside, you will be struck by the intricacies of its interior, which sharply contrasts with the simplicity of its exterior.
The Museum of Islamic Art is located in the heart of a body of still, clear water. As you approach you will cross a bridge across the water and feel yourself being drawn in by the striking appearance of the museum. The white building has sharp, boxed edges, and stands alone on the water. In the sunlight, the museum seems to glow with brightness and its compelling ambiance is enhanced. When you step inside, you will be struck by the intricacies of its interior, which sharply contrasts with the simplicity of its exterior.
इस्लामिक आर्ट का संग्रहालय अभी भी, स्पष्ट पानी के शरीर के दिल में स्थित है। जैसे ही आप पहुंचते हैं, आप पानी भर में एक पुल पार करेंगे और खुद को संग्रहालय के बिथर पाएंगे है। सूरज की रोशनी में, संग्रहालय चमक के साथ चमकता प्रतीत होता है और इसकी आकर्षक माहौल बढ जाता है। जब आप अंदर कदम रखते हैं, तो आप इसकी इंटीरियर की जटिलताओं से प्रभावित होंगे, जो इसके बाहरी की सादगी के साथ तेजी से भिन्न होता है।
Villaggio Mall--
Villaggio Mall is a shopping mall located in the Aspire Zone in the west end of Doha, the capital city of Qatar.Inside, the interiors are Italianate-themed both as an Italian hill town, but also with a 150-meter long indoor canal with gondolas.
Villaggio Mall is a shopping mall located in the Aspire Zone in the west end of Doha, the capital city of Qatar.Inside, the interiors are Italianate-themed both as an Italian hill town, but also with a 150-meter long indoor canal with gondolas.
Villaggio मॉल एक शॉपिंग मॉल है जो कतर की राजधानी शहर दोहा के पश्चिमी छोर में एस्पियर जोन में स्थित है।मल्ल का interior Italian style se Kiya hua h साथ ही एक 150 मीटर लंबी कैनाल भी है।
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